Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Unless otherwise stipulated by the company, PM WATATO will establish a 'Privacy Policy' as described below to handle specific personal information (referred to as 'personal information') of customers, business partners, and other related parties in the course of business, and will strive to protect such information.

1. Management of Personal Information

Our company manages personal information according to the following structure.

1) We establish necessary internal systems by the Personal Information Protection Act and guidelines and obtain signed declarations from employees confirming their proper handling of personal information.

2) We restrict the use of personal information to only employees who require it for business purposes, establish rules concerning the storage and management of media containing personal information, and take measures to protect personal information.

3) For personal information stored in the system, we provide accounts and passwords to only those employees who require access for business purposes and implement access control measures. Additionally, we rigorously manage accounts and passwords to prevent leakage or loss.

4) For the security of data transmission related to personal information over the internet, we use industry-standard encrypted communication, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), on necessary web pages.

5) With the assumption that it will not cause any disruption to our services, we will regularly delete personal information after a certain period has elapsed from the time of its receipt.


2. Use of Personal Information

Our company will use the personal information we have obtained for the following purposes

1)For shipping products to customers and invoicing for payment.

2)To inform customers about our company's online shop's campaigns, products, and services.

3)To enhance and improve our company's services.

4) To respond to customer requests and inquiries.

Please note that customer information such as name, address, ordered product names, quantity, and other details (referred to as 'order information') are also collected by Watato Co., Ltd. at the time of ordering and will be handled by Watato Co., Ltd.'s designated privacy policy.

Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

1)To refuse the use of our services by individuals who attempt to place orders with malicious intent, we may provide Watato Co., Ltd. with order information related to transactions we have deemed to involve fraudulent purposes or improper use.

2)Except in the abovementioned cases, we won't disclose personal information to third parties without the customer's consent. However, this is only applicable in some situations.


・When requested by public institutions such as courts or the police based on legal obligations.

・When there are specific legal provisions

・When there is a risk of harming the life, body, or property of the customer or a third party, and it isn't easy to obtain the person's consent

・When it is necessary to protect or defend our rights, property, or services from actions that violate laws, our terms of use, or instructions, obtaining the person's consent isn't easy.


Management of Personal Information (Security Measures)

To prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration, leakage, and other risks related to personal information, we have established a personal information protection policy based on internal regulations for handling personal data. We implement this policy and ensure the clarification of responsibilities, education and training for employees, access control for premises, access restrictions, and the management and supervision of external contractors. We take necessary and appropriate security measures.

For questions about security measures, please contact 'Watato Co., Ltd. Customer Support.


3. Disclosure, Correction, and Suspension of Use of Personal Information

We will respond after confirming your identity if you wish to request disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc., regarding your personal information.

For inquiries regarding personal information, including questions and complaint handling, please contact 'Watato Co., Ltd. Customer Support.'

4. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with laws and regulations for handling personal information and other norms. We will also continuously review and improve the content of this personal information protection policy.